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Writer's pictureThe Torrent

Critter of the month (Sept. '23)

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Did you know that you can tell how healthy a river, wetland or marine environment is by the types of critters that live there? These invertebrates are the food source for many of the fish we pursue, and a very important part of what keeps the natural environment ticking.

This month's featured critter is an insect of the order "Trichoptera" - which roughly translates as meaning 'hairy winged'. As youngsters, they live underwater in freshwater, often building a house of stones or sticks to protect their bodies from predators, before 'hatching' into winged adults at the water surface. In Australia, a common type of this insect is known to fisher's as a 'snowflake', because the white adults look like a snow flurry as they hover over the stream.

Can you guess what insect we are talking about? Let me know in the comments below.

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